Wantage, Oxfordshire, England
Loc: IO91GO WAB: SU38
Active 40m - 10m ssb and FT8
Tx/Rx: IC-705 +
or Elecraft K3
Antenna: Magnetic loop
Active 20m - 10m ssb and FT8
Various locations in
Oxfordshire including several POTA sites.
Tx/Rx: IC-705 + XPA125B
Antenna: MP1 or other vertical
Active 6m - 70cm ssb
Location: 3km south of Wantage
Locator: IO91GN
Tx/Rx: IC-705 plus...
6m: XPA125B
4m: Spectrum transverter
2m: BNOS LPM144-10-100
70cm: TopTek PA-80U
6m: Diamond 2 ele phased
4m: Dual 4 ele yagi
2m: Diamond 10 ele yagi
70cm: Diamond 15 ele yagi
SSB DBA-270 masthead
preamp on 2m and 70cm.
All G4HLX logs are uploaded to LOTW, eQSL and QRZ.com.
All recent G4HLX/P logs are in LOTW and QRZ.com.
Neill G4HLX at home
POTA activation at Snelsmore Common (GB-0728)
70cm portable on the Ridgeway near Wantage
2m portable on the Ridgeway near Wantage
4m portable on the Ridgeway near Wantage
Me in my shack, around 2005
Returned to the air in December 2021 after many years of silence. The following is a history of earlier operations:
First licensed in 1971 as G8EQX and then as G4HLX in 1978. Have been active on all 13 bands 1.8 MHz - 432 MHz, but my main interest is VHF/UHF, particularly DX and contesting.
2006-2013 living in Provence, France, and active on some HF bands as F5VLD, in Aix en Provence. Also sometimes active on D-Star, as G4HLX during visits to the UK, or as F5VLD by DV-Dongle.
Activities have included amateur satellite operation, using various satellites from OSCAR-6 through OSCAR-23 and AO-40. In 1980's wrote software for ZX Spectrum computers for receiving text bulletins, telemetry and images from UoSAT/OSCAR-9 and 11 with no hardware decoder. Over 600 copies of this software sold.
User of packet radio on 144 MHz since 1984, and for some years ran the Oxfordshire hub station for TCP/IP packet users on 144/432 MHz. Pacsat operation including 9K6 through UO-22.
In 1982 conceived the idea of the Practical Wireless 144 MHz QRP Contest, which in 1984 became the best-supported VHF contest in the UK of all time. Ran and adjudicated this contest for Practical Wireless magazine annually 1982-2007.
Tutor of Radio Amateur Examination class at Harwell Education Centre from 1981-1993.
Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) since 1968
(RSGB Regional Representative, Region 6, 1985 - 1988)
(RSGB Liaison Officer, Oxfordshire, 1988 -91).
Harwell Amateur Radio Society (Vice-chairman 1982 - 87).
member of:
Réseau des Émetteurs Français (REF)
South Oxfordshire Repeater Group.
UK Six Metre Group
Oxfordshire RAYNET Group.
University of Birmingham Radio Society (Chairman, 1976 - 81).
South Birmingham Radio Society.
University of Manchester Amateur Radio Society.
Radio Society of Harrow.
Ridgeway Repeater Group.
receivers, and transceivers that have been part of the G4HLX/G8EQX
station at some time since 1971:
K3/100, K2/100, IC-E92D, FT-857D, FT-847, IC-505, TM-732E, IC-T8A, FT-726R,
TS-780, IC-32E, IC-202S, FT-101ZD, FR-50B/FL-50B, FDK-750E, TR-3200,
19 set,
PCR-2, T1154, SCR-522, PF-2, PF-70, CQM-5662 and at least 5 other ex-PMR,
plus various homebrew transmitters, receivers and transverters.